BAM Next Wave Festival Website Redesign
Redesigning a Website to Improve User Experience
Next Wave, an annual event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), is a performance art festival running for almost 40 years. In order to do logical design while studying UI/UX, I realized that I needed a project to find and redesign problems from the existing ones. This project began with researching existing websites, design based on user research, and covered prototyping.Time:
3 weeks, 2019
Web Design & Prototyping:
Soyeon Kwon
3 weeks, 2019
Web Design & Prototyping:
Soyeon Kwon

Next Wave festival is one of BAM's biggest events, lasting from November to January, with various events ranging from videos, performances, and artist talks. Nevertheless, Next Wave was represented by a single page on the official BAM website, and learning about it was inconvenient because the information was overlapping with other BAM programs. Given this point of view, I created a single, independent website allowing users to enjoy the festival efficiently.
UX Research
To check the overall opinion of the subscription and the inconvenience of users, a user survey was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to identify the user's purpose on the site and if the current layout proved an inconvenience so it could be redesigned it accordingly.
How is your BAM website experience?

- It’s hard to see the Next Wave’s programs on the BAM website.
The Next Wave page does not describe the information briefly and accurately. Too much information is provided at the same time.
- Timetable and ticket buttons are hard to find.
Make the microsite to be find Next Wave festival.
- Design so that users know the information briefly and easily.
Helps you find the right program for you.
- Users used laptops more than mobile devices to learn about the programs at Next Wave.
- Users would like to see the description and programs of Next Wave.
- Users want to find a program that suits them easily.
Key features
Design based on the Next Wave/Program Info & Timetable/Recommended Programs that users most wanted to see.
Apply the design concept that symbolizes Next Wave.
- Create a new logo and brand guide to make a cohesive brand image.

Visual Identity

